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ACYPAA Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct Policies


All California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous, Inc. (ACYPAA) adheres to the spiritual principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), its 12 steps, Traditions, and Concepts. ACYPAA is committed to an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. All individuals affiliated with ACYPAA in any way should be personally aware of how their opinions and behaviors can affect people and, in some instances, create a harassing and hostile experience for others. Moreover, all individuals affiliated with ACYPAA are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect. To this end, ACYPAA requires that all Advisory Council members, Host Committee members, and general ACYPAA attendees adhere to the policies and guidelines set forth herein, below.




Harassment is defined as unwelcome or unwanted conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual, toward an individual because of their age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, when the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.


Safety and Welfare


ACYPAA is an organization that serves young people including minors under the age of 18 (children) and is committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of all of its council, committee members and attendees. To ensure the safety and welfare of ACYPAA event attendees, the advisory council has complete discretion to prelude to attendance of individuals at ACYPAA events that it deems, in its sole discretion to threaten or endanger the safety of ACYPAA event attendees. Including, but not limited to those that are registered sex offenders or those who have otherwise violated ACYPAA policy.


Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines 


Harassment and sexual harassment are unacceptable at ACYPAA and all related events including, but not limited to, the ACYPAA Facebook page. This behavior violates ACYPAA policies even when it does not constitute a violation of law. If, at any time, an attendee or volunteer believes they have been a victim of or witness to a crime or a violation of this policy, they should report the incident to the ACYPAA Board of Directors, ACYPAA Host Committee, police or hotel staff immediately.




Everyone can help ensure that ACYPAA and all related events are free from harassment. Our hope is that any person who finds another's conduct unwelcome will inform that individual directly. We understand this might not always be possible. Therefore, all are encouraged to report conduct they feel is in violation of these policies directly to any member of the ACYPAA Board of Directors or Host Committee. Moreover, any ACYPAA Board of Directors or Host Committee member who is aware of or who receives a report of conduct inconsistent with these guidelines is to report immediately to the ACYPAA Board of Directors or its Authorized Agent(s). These guidelines do not require reporting harassment to, or confronting, any person responsible for the harassment. If an incident occurs that may be a violation of the law, ACYPAA reserves the right to contact the proper authorities if it is deemed necessary.




The ACYPAA Board of Directors or its Authorized Agent(s) ("ACYPAA Authorized Agent(s)") will promptly investigate and make recommendations to the full ACYPAA Board of Directors regarding all reports describing conduct that is inconsistent with these policies, and will respond to the complainant. During the investigation, confidentiality will be preserved to the extent that the needs of the situation permit. Any illegal conduct will be reported to the appropriate authorities. ACYPAA Authorized Agent(s) may put interim measures in place, which includes but is not limited to a leave of absence and/or directing the potential offender to immediately leave the premises while the investigation takes place. An Elected Officers quorum of 2/3 is required during the investigation. Interim measures can only be put into place by a 2/3 majority vote from a quorum of the Advisory Council Elected Officers. The ACYPAA Authorized Agent(s) are aware that further appropriate action by the full ACYPAA Board of Directors may be necessary once a report has been thoroughly investigated. The investigation may conclude in one of three ways (1) that a violation of policy occurred, (2) that no violation occurred, or (3) that it cannot be determined whether or not a violation occurred. When an investigation reveals that a violation of these policies or other inappropriate conduct has occurred, then ACYPAA's Board of Directors will take corrective action. Corrective action must have a 2/3 majority vote by the ACYPAA Board of Directors. The outcome determination may include consequences as appropriate under the circumstances. This could include, but is not limited to, dismissal, regardless of the service positions held by the parties involved. The Advisory Board of Directors may remove a Board Member via the procedure set forth in its bylaws. The Advisory Board of Directors may also decide to ask any attendee to leave the premises, regardless of whether the conduct amounts to a violation of law. If the person who engaged in conduct that is inconsistent with these policies is not an attendee, then the Advisory Board of Directors will take whatever corrective action is reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances. Making retaliatory threats against a person who assisted in an investigation or reporting, or against a person who directly made a report regarding harassment is also considered a violation of this policy. Any person who experiences or witnesses any conduct they believe to be retaliatory should immediately follow the reporting procedures stated above.




ACYPAA recognizes that confidentiality is important. Those responsible to implement ACYPAA
policies will respect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals reporting or accused of sexual
harassment to the extent reasonably possible. Examples of situations where confidently cannot
be maintained includes circumstances when ACYPAA is required by law to disclose information
such as in response to legal process and when disclosures required by ACYPAA's interests are
outweighed by protecting the rights of others.


Updated 8/13/2021

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