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  1. The Roundup must be held during the months of February, March, or April.

  2. A minimum of three AA members must represent the bidding group.

  3. The Bidding Committee must present two separate facility proposals that include enough space to conduct meetings and conference entertainment in addition to housing attendees for the entirety of the Roundup. These commitments must include dates demonstrating meeting space and room block holds, lodging prices, Food & Beverage Minimums, attrition and sliding scales, and transportation pricing if the main meetings and hotels are to be held in separate locations.

  4. Arrangements for uniformed professional security coverage at the Roundup site will be provided by the bid committee's arrangement for a licensed security agency. The description and estimated cost for the security coverage must be included in the bid.

  5. The bid committee must obtain quotes from at least two (2) Audio Visual companies per facility location unless the location only permits a single vendor. The description and estimated cost for Audio Visual must be included.

  6. Two statements of support, one from the local AA Intergroup or regional equivalent and one from the Area Assembly and/or District, are to be included in the bid package.

  7. The bid committee will be required to demonstrate its financial capabilities within the Traditions of AA as a whole, being directly involved in any activity from which revenues are generated.

  8. The bid committee will provide a list of all large scale AA events in their area within a sixty day period before and a thirty day period after the proposed Roundup date.

  9. The new Host City must agree that all proceeds, after expenses and donations to local service structures, are to be turned over to the ACYPAA Advisory Council for distribution. The Host City is permitted to donate up to 20% of the proceeds to their local service structure.

  10. ∗Bidding committees are to provide a digital PDF copy of their bid to the Advisory Council by 3:00 PM the Thursday of the Roundup. Additionally, committees are to provide nine (9) complete printed copies of their bids to the Advisory Council Chairperson by 3:00 PM the Friday of the 52nd ACYPAA Roundup in Santa Cruz, but no bids will be rejected. The PDF submission is not to replace any printed copies.

    • PLEASE NOTE: Check this webpage after December 30, 2024 for an updated number of printed copies listed in Requirement 10.

    • Please submit your PDF copy to

  11. The bid committee must provide a concise statement illustrating the need, as they understand it, for the Roundup in their area.

  12. Each committee will be given a maximum limit of 20 minutes for the presentation of the Bid Requirements.

∗Updated December 30, 2024

Bidding Requirements

Bidding Timeline

Thursday 3pm



​Thursday 4pm​​​​​​



Friday 3pm











Main Meeting









Digital PDF Bid Packages Due


ACYPAA Advisory Council Business Meeting


Physical Bid Packages Due


Bid Committee/Advisory Council Round-Robin Session


Bid Skits 


Advisory Council Deliberation (closed)


Advisory Council Announcements


Advisory Council meets with non-awarded Bid Committees


Passing of the ACYPAA banner 


Current ACYPAA Bid Committees

AOCYPAA (All Orange County)

COVYPAA (Covina)

EBYPAA (East Bay)

FCYPAA (Fresno County)

GSDYPAA (Greater San Diego)

LACYPAA (Los Angeles County)

MCYPAA (Marin County)

REDYPAA (Redding)

SACYPAA (Sacramento)

SCCYPAA (Santa Clara County)

SCVYPAA (Santa Clarita Valley)

SLOPYPAA (San Luis Obispo)

TVYPAA (Temecula Valley)​


Bidders FAQ


Bidding committees usually have a lot of the same questions. The Bidders FAQ is a breakdown of the most frequently asked questions on each bidding requirement.

Request For Proposal (RFP) Example

Bid Requirement #3 Facility Cover Sheet


  • Bid Committees are invited to use our cover sheet for your facility proposals in Bid Requirement #3

  • Cover sheet is supplemental, not mandatory.

  • This does not replace an actual hotel contract or proposal.

  • Two cover sheets can be used per facility proposal

  • Cover sheet is suited for a single facility proposal, but can be adopted for multiple facilities as well (ex: Hotel/Convention Center)


Please contact the Advisory Council if you have any questions in filling out your proposal.

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